Words of Adventure
Behind the scenes
As we look around the world today it is somewhat frustrating to see where mankind is headed.
There is much it would be great to be able to do to sort out the planet and the challenges facing it with regard to the climate crisis. But as much as we might like to force through change, there is little we can achieve at a global level, except maybe make our voices heard whenever possible.
When writing a novel you are not constrained by such restrictions.
Deep Control is an attempt to highlight the serious issues facing us all. It could best be described as the ultimate environmental thriller, but one set in McCready’s world where there are no rules and where it is possible to play with unthinkable threats and unthinkable solutions.
While the story is still a no-holds-barred action/adventure, the science is drawn from the latest data and thinking on the subject. And who knows, maybe at the end you might even agree with the solution described in the story. But probably luckily, the only way it would ever happen is within the pages of fiction!
Mike Seares
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